Income Production Credit Report
The purpose of the Income Production Credit report is to provide agencies a way to analyze transactions that have affected income during a specified time period and determine who / what has produced that income for the agency. The report will return income generating items related to invoices that have affected income during the time period specified and use the Production Credit values for those items to "allocate" the amounts to individual producers.
The report will also balance to the general ledger income accounts, divide records into Allocated and Unallocated for reconciliation and include a balancing block to account for discrepancies in balancing Production Credit records to the income accounts.
To Generate a Income Production Credit Report
- On the Primary menu, click REPORTS.
- On the REPORTS menu, click Reports. The Nexsure Reports dialog box is displayed.
- In the Report Type list, select Accounting.
- In the Report Category list, select Production.
- In the Available Reports list, select Income Production Credit.
- Click OK. The summary tab is displayed.
- On the Navigation Toolbar, click New Report Criteria to go to the Nexsure Reports > Report Criteria dialog box.
- In the Description box, enter a description for the report that will be displayed on the summary tab in the Report Name column and in the report header preceded byIncome Production Credit.
- Under Organization Info, click [Select]. The Nexsure Organization Criteria dialog box is displayed.
- In the Nexsure Organization Criteria dialog box, select the desired organization information (in the Region,
Territory, Branch, Department, and Unit lists) to query for the report. The selection of a Branch enables the subsequent Department and Unit selections.
- Once the organization criteria has been selected, click Add.
Note: If the report is being run for the entire organization it is not necessary to make a selection in the Nexsure Organization Criteria dialog box. Only one Region, Territory, or Branch may be selected for each report. When filtering by Department or Unit, add the Branch first then add the Department or Unit.
information has been added to the Include list, it can be removed by selecting
the item and clicking Del to remove individual items or Clear to remove all
- If
the organization information is correct, click OK. The organization information selected is added to the Nexsure Reports > Report Criteria screen.
- In the Date Information area, select date filters. Date filters are used to set the beginning and ending date of the
The available options are:
- Date Type: Select either As Of Date or Date Range.
- As Of: Set the end date of the report by using either the
calendar dialog box or entering a date in the box.
- Period: Periods can be selected from the Period list, which are based on agency
accounting periods or can be entered manually if the desired date range does not fall within the
standard accounting periods. Period range filters will return all transactions
with a balance due within the date range of the report regardless of the transaction date booked.
- Year: Fiscal years based on the general ledger periods and default to current year.
- Date From: Start date for a selected period.
- Date To: End date for the selected period.
- In the Group / Sorting Options area, select the grouping and sorting options that affect the layout of the report.
The available options are:
- Group Field [1]: Apply a primary grouping by People Name or select one of the following options:
- Group Field [2]: Apply a primary grouping by None or select one of the following options:
- Sort Field [1]: Select an item in the Sort Field [1] list to sort the report results by the selected column header. Available selections are:
- Sort Order: By default Sort Order is set to Ascending. However, either Ascending or Descending may be selected to set the order of the records returned. Ascending will set the order from A-Z. Descending will set the order from Z-A.
- In the Page Break Options area, the following options are available:
- Page Break: Select from the following options for page breaks in the report:
- Group Field [1]
- Group Field [2]
- No
- In the Output Options area, the following options are available:
- Yes: The policy details are displayed on the report.
- No: Suppress the details from the report and gives a summary only.
- In the Report Format Options area, select one of the options in the Format Type list.
The available formats are:
- PDF: This is the default setting that creates the report in a PDF format. The report data is
static and cannot be manipulated.
- XLS: Microsoft® Excel® document that can be
manipulated as an .xls file. The report is generated with the same
formatting used in the PDF format so cells are merged and data may
not be stored in individual cells.
- DOC: Microsoft Word document that can be
manipulated as a .doc file.
- XLS (unformatted): Microsoft Excel document
that can be manipulated as an .xls file. The report is generated with no
formatting so cells are not merged and data is stored in individual
cells, however column headers do not appear and page breaks are
not inserted.
- In the Nexsure Reports > Report Criteria dialog box, click OK. The Income Production Credit report will start compiling.
- To update the compiling status, click Refresh on the Navigation Toolbar.
- Once the report Status is Complete, click the View
icon to view the report.
Working with Reports